Thursday, June 28, 2012

It was another party

 celebrating a 12th birthday
 we went to the mall to go shopping
 with a couple friends
 we opened presents
 and ate cookie cake
 got the birthday girls ears double pierced
 we all had a lot of fun on our girls shopping spree
and there were lots of smiles all around

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Mom Mom....

...your boobs are like my eyes?!?"

{famous quote by my 4 year old while picking my bra up out of the clean laundry}

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life is continuing to be an uphill climb

so many situations I cannot control
too many circumstances I cannot change
a ton of negatives to weigh heavily on the positives
I am realizing
as long as I keep climbing
there has to be a peak at some point

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer fun...


Monday, June 4, 2012

I Love my life

regardless of how much crap I have piled up
I do Love. My. Life
I have been so abundantly blessed
my life could be so much harder
I see so much good
I have so much going right
I look forward to what the future has instore
sometimes I just get giddy inside
when I think about the beautiful life I am creating
existing through all the shit
and making the best of it
Life has given me many lessons and opportunities
and for that I am grateful

Saturday, June 2, 2012

your actions

shattered me within
I try to piece areas together
I pursue a change
I give all of myself away
I expect perfection
I ask for little
broken areas
impossible of patching
living shattered
is my normal
I want to live above
my normal
I am grasping 
a new reality
I am defining me