Thursday, August 19, 2010


I need to motivate myself!

I haven't done a very good job keeping up on baby books.
The first 6 kids are caught up for the most part, but # 7 - well I have even started his yet and he is almost 21 months. I feel so guilty. It is difficult trying to remember to take enough pictures, enough video, make enough memories each day, and still have time to write. I know these will be lasting memories for all of us and I cherish that fact. I just dread "it" more, the longer I wait. I feel as if I am going to forget something or not do as much as I did for the rest.

I need to give myself a break and do the best I can, something is better than nothing. I keep telling myself, I need to just do it, and when I think of more, I can add to it.

So, here's to getting kids back to school and then I WILL motivate myself.

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