I felt so very alone
Carrying secrets within
I couldn't go to her for help
She would callus my fragile skin
Impatience, resentment, frustration consumed her
The words of anger poured from her lips
Like poison overtaking my veins
Her anger wasn't my fault I need to get my grips
And place what is hers back on her
Then choose to deal with the rest
I don't have to carry her weight anymore
I never felt good enough even at my very best
Just pushing the resentment deeper
The wounds time does not erase
She projected bitterness and rage
How do I unpack if she isn't willing to face
Not receiving many compliments or compassion
It was really lonely, always trying to do more
How can I please her, what have I done wrong this time
What she couldn't do for her own changed when another walked through the door
The anger, stubborness, lack of compassion, unforgiveness
I want to be rid I want to be free
I don't have to pay for all their sins
Passed down the tree
Just because this was life for the rest of them
Passing down the line
I will not let it continue, I can change, I can be different
This legacy will not be mine...
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