Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter...
where oh where has the time gone???
It is not possible that this little girl
running around with a cute little bob
is now seventeen
#17...it seems impossible
Mackenzie is a beautiful young woman
She is there for me when I need her
She has such a strong faith, many of her actions put me to shame
She works so hard and is very intelligent
She sets a positive example for those around her 
and is a good friend to everyone.
I am not going to focus on the little time I have left with her living in my home
but instead enjoying and taking advantage of the time I get to spend with her...
I love you...you were the first person to shape my existence as a mother
I will always cherish that special bond we share...

Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Birthday!

to my oldest son
he is a teenager today
I cannot believe I have three teenagers in the house
I don't know where the time has gone

Caleb is a kind and loving person
he is intelligent
and works hard when he sets his mind to something
Caleb is talented and has become an amazing singer
I am proud of Caleb
and couldn't imagine my life without him!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I only want your life to be defined by a legacy of love and a witness of God's faithfulness...

once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a mommy and a daddy who shared their life with one little princess.  The little princess brought them so much happiness and joy.  This mommy and daddy had experienced such a pure, unconditional love that they decided they would like to share their lives with another little prince or princess.  They prayed to God asking for another child to share their life with.  God placed a very special request on my heart.  He asked me to carry a baby in my tummy to share with this mommy and daddy.  A baby that I would get to spend nine months of pregnancy loving, nourishing and caring for.  I didn't know if I was strong enough.  I told God I wanted to keep you all for myself.  God couldn't guarantee me that it would be easy.  He knew this would make me really sad, but He did promise that my baby would be very special.  So very special that she would get to have two families to love her.  Both families prayed to God asking for guidance.  The day you came into the world was filled with emotions.  You were such a special gift.  I finally got to meet you for the first time and your new family did too.  Not every child gets to be born into the arms of two loving families, that would make you a very special princess.  Even though your life didn't go the way that I would have planned - your life has followed a destiny that only God could have known or planned and that makes you a very special gift from God.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Today Quinton celebrates his 7th birthday
He is growing up so fast
He is a soft-spoken, gentle spirited child
He is very wise and likes to be a joke-ster
I am so grateful to call myself your mother and 
I am proud of the wonderful boy you are!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy Birthday!

 Today my middle child celebrates her10th birthday
She is a beautiful person full of spunk and life
Watching her change and grow is rewarding as her mother
I am very proud of her and her dedication to living life to the fullest
Happy Birthday to my "princess Shaye Lyn"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday

Today my second oldest daughter celebrates her birthday
She is 14
It is hard to believe she is growing up so fast
I often look at all of my children and wonder where the time has gone
She is full of life, love, and laughter
I am lucky to call myself her mom
It is a blessing to watch her grow into a beautiful young woman

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

{#35} already...

this is a hard year for me
only five more years to {#40}
I reflect on my life and don't feel
like I have accomplished the things I
wanted to by my {35th} birthday
I have seven wonderful children
who make me smile and drive me crazy
I will graduate in May with a BSW
after taking 29 credits this semester
and completing 500 hours at my internship
I will start my MSW in June and complete it in one year...
no, according to the "worlds standard" I am probably
not where I am expected to be at {#35}
but I look at what I have accomplished
what I have survived
the amount of sacrifices I have made
and how I have overcome
and I realize I need to give myself some credit...
I am {#35} and working diligently to make a
better life for my kids
it has not been easy
but it is worth it...
I will embrace {#35} with a new attitude
and be proud of how far I have come

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Eleven months...

there is a void
that I desire to fill

it seems impossible
nothing replaces

this emptiness
it is hard to explain

I have learned to cope
I don't let it show

but this ache
can consume me

this void cannot be filled
I seek happiness

and have joy abounding
I am determined

and work extremely hard
I busy myself too often

it soothes the void
but it doesn't erase

time doesn't provide answers
it allows more time living with the reality

missing you, seeing you, holding you, touching you,
provides solace

but doesn't fill this void

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Today, my youngest daughter turns{8}
She is feisty and sweet and everything in between...
It is a joy to watch her transition from a little girl
into a big girl...
She is affectionate towards others on her terms,
but give her a baby and she cannot keep her hands off!
She has made great improvements this year and I am proud
of how hard she works.
Sometimes I question if she is only eight because she
can come up with some of the most bizarre off-the-wall statements...
and I love that about her!

Happy Birthday and I am blessed to celebrate you today!