Saturday, September 28, 2013

being strong

in every area of my life
has proven great weakness
my strength has wore me down
and left me depleted

Thursday, September 26, 2013


i care so deeply....
i am able to let you go
...i wanted so much more
...i wanted so much better
something about moving past the 6 month mark
is really hard...
the reality that more than 1/2 of the first year of your life has passed
there are so many {moments} i cannot get out of my mind
minute details that present ever so clearly
moments that feel so real, they seem to be happening right now
i try not to dwell on these moments too often
because they will consume me
my life has provided me so much opportunity
to claim my truth
as hard
as difficult
as emotionally challenging
as it is
i am forever grateful that i was
given the opportunity to give life
to a precious child
that has taught me so much
about life and myself

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Today my dad celebrated the BIG six-ohh
my dad is an amazing man of strength and courage
he is a positive role model in my life
I am so blessed to call him my father
and I savor the moments 
my children get to learn from him
this past year has presented my dad with some
unforeseen health challenges
and loss
I am beyond relieved 
that we are on the brighter side
but it sure has made my whole family
realize how quickly life can pass us by
it is so important to remember to let the people we love the most,
know how much they mean to us..
Happy Birthday DAD...you mean the world to me!