Monday, August 26, 2013

6 months

it seems impossible 
that six months of life have passed
since you were mine
a piece of my heart exists 
outside of my body
i experience loss in ways i have never felt before
i feel grief so intense on my chest
that it sometimes takes my breath away
i spend a lot of time not thinking about anything
because i don't want to think about
losing you
i make ill planned decisions and rash judgements
because i don't want to think
about any one thing for very long
i have encountered 
so many situations 
i push those dearest to me away
trying to feel less of an emptiness in losing you
as a new mom
i should be showing off my newborn
i should be experiencing each of your firsts
i should be soothing you when you cry
and feel the joy in your laughter
i have not figured out how to define my life
living with the loss of you
i want to tell everyone who asks about my children
about all eight of them and brag
all about this new baby i have
how adorable she is
how she is 6 months old now
how she is starting to giggle
and babble sounds 
how she is sitting up
and starting to eat baby food
about how chubby she is getting 
and how deep brown her eyes are
and how dark black her hair is
and how beautiful her skin tone is
that she doesn't live with me...
and my heart sinks
this isn't the way it should ever have to be
as much as i want to tell the world all about you
i can't
it is too painful,
it is too difficult
and then i feel guilty that i have a beautiful daughter
that i am not able to share with the world
a part of me that i don't claim
it is such a difficult balance of 
joy and pain
sacrifice and reward
happiness and sorrow
fear and understanding
unconditional love
love i will always have for you
redefined through my life
and experiences
that shape me as 
your birth mother

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy Birthday!

today my oldest brother celebrates his birthday
he is an amazing father and a wonderful person
I wish him many more happy years to come

Friday, August 23, 2013


caused by predicaments in life
continue to provide me with
the opportunities to appreciate
where I am in my life

sometimes it is rather difficult
to not get caught up in
the way I think situations/circumstances
should go and just allow
them to work out
the way the were intended to...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

back to school

this time of year
i always have a surge of mixed emotions
it is so hard to grapple with the reality that my kids are growing up
i love being their mom
and sharing their lives with them
i do not look forward to them growing up and becoming adults themselves
whenever they head back to school
i take the opportunity to reflect over the past year
i get to reminisce about the good times
learn from the not so good times and set goals
to make this next year even better
with each passing year 
i cannot believe how fast time flies
on monday, i took my oldest to school she is a sophomore
yesterday, i started back to class
with a whopping 24 credit class load 
and 500 hours internship (crazy!)
today, i brought the next five to their first day of school
an eighth grader
a sixth grader
a fourth grader
a second grader
a kindergartner
and in a little over a week
my youngest will start preschool
trying to juggle 4 class schedules
balancing homework, responsibilities, practices,
carpools, routines, and bonding time...
this is what keeps me going,
not having enough time to do anything
but reminisce and 
make the best of it

Sunday, August 11, 2013

earth shattering reality

I am a mother to a child who does not know who I am...
I love this child as much as life itself,
yet I am not the person she looks to
I am not the mother who feeds her
I am not the one who comforts her
It is an absolutely devastating reality
My heart breaks into a million pieces
when my baby looks at me and cries...
she doesn't want me to comfort her
she cries for another mother to comfort her
This child doesn't need or desire me in her life
the way I so desperately need and desire her.
 I don't blame her for this, 
it is all she knows, she is just a child
I am confident that someday,
this will change
but for right now,
this sucks,
it is so unbearably hard,
and it hurts more than I could have possibly imagined...