it seems impossible
that six months of life have passed
since you were mine
a piece of my heart exists
outside of my body
i experience loss in ways i have never felt before
i feel grief so intense on my chest
that it sometimes takes my breath away
i spend a lot of time not thinking about anything
because i don't want to think about
losing you
i make ill planned decisions and rash judgements
because i don't want to think
about any one thing for very long
i have encountered
so many situations
i push those dearest to me away
trying to feel less of an emptiness in losing you
as a new mom
i should be showing off my newborn
i should be experiencing each of your firsts
i should be soothing you when you cry
and feel the joy in your laughter
i have not figured out how to define my life
living with the loss of you
i want to tell everyone who asks about my children
about all eight of them and brag
all about this new baby i have
how adorable she is
how she is 6 months old now
how she is starting to giggle
and babble sounds
how she is sitting up
and starting to eat baby food
about how chubby she is getting
and how deep brown her eyes are
and how dark black her hair is
and how beautiful her skin tone is
that she doesn't live with me...
and my heart sinks
this isn't the way it should ever have to be
as much as i want to tell the world all about you
i can't
it is too painful,
it is too difficult
and then i feel guilty that i have a beautiful daughter
that i am not able to share with the world
a part of me that i don't claim
it is such a difficult balance of
joy and pain
sacrifice and reward
happiness and sorrow
fear and understanding
unconditional love
love i will always have for you
redefined through my life
and experiences
that shape me as
your birth mother