Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Today Quinton is {6} 
Where has the time gone?
My little buddy is growing up so fast...
He will be starting Kinder this fall.
Quinton is the sweetest,
kindest little boy I know
he has a big heart,
he is so smart and loves to learn.
He enjoys building Legos and likes to investigate...
I am proud to be your mommy...
I wish you happiness today and every day of your life!

Friday, July 26, 2013

a piece of my heart is missing

it exists outside of my life
lives in a home away from mine
is cared for by a mother that is not me

a piece of my heart is missing

and nothing fills the void

this ache
this longing
this desire for more
leaves me feeling unsettled

there is no fix
or magic solution
that will disolve this all away

for now
I am learning how to live
with the pieces left
from a broken heart

Sunday, July 14, 2013

....will you please

believe in me
I can believe in myself?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Today my mom celebrates her birthday.
I love the bond we share
Over the years we have developed a closeness 
not only as mother and daughter
but as friends.
I look forward to many more birthdays 
celebrating her life!

Friday, July 5, 2013

patiently waiting

for You to come through
on Your timing
I get so tired of waiting, wanting, wishing
You know all my thoughts, my desires, my pain
when I allow my life to follow the path
You have planned for me
the steps seem so much smoother
not saying that it is not still difficult
but I know I can make it, I will overcome it
because I have You by my side